Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I was talking with a friend last night about how people just don't show common courteousy like they should.  No one likes to sit around waiting for someone to come by or someone to call, when that person said they would be there or would call you.  Or if your job has you on some type of "on call shift" but then someone KNOWS you will not be called in or something changes and you are not needed for that purpose now.  How hard is it to pick up the phone and call and say "my plans have changed", or "something has come up",  "my kids are sick so i can't make it", or "the patient died, you don't need to be on call", "several patients were released, you won't need to come in at all".  So much time is wasted as we sit around waiting for people or jobs that said one thing but do not follow through with communicating a change when there is one.  This is one of my biggest pet peeves.  Believe me, I know life happens and things come up that are just not in our control.  So if it does....  just pick up a phone and call with a 30 second or less "I'm sorry I can't make it" so that other person isn't waiting around.  Its courteous...  its the nice thing to do.  

Cindy is now stepping down off the soap box...  please no applauding!  ;)


Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying. - Martin Luther King

Mother, Sister, Friend...

Mother, Sister, Friend...
I love being me!

William and Jessica

William and Jessica
My beautiful kids!
