Sunday, March 1, 2009
William is in the 3rd grade and doing really well.  He has good friends and his teacher, Ms. Fitch, is great.  I take William to school every morning and usually get to pick him up a couple of days a week.  Grandma or Grandpa pick him up when I am not able to.  What I would ever do without my parents, I don't know and don't want to find out.  William does want to ride the bus next year though since the stop is just around the corner from our house.  I think it would be good for him too, to get to know some of the other kids that live around us.  

On February 13th William recieved his Yellow belt in karate.  I am so proud of him.  He has done great and loves his karate class.  I have noticed a difference in his confidence and also in his behavior.  I really like how the class teaches about respect, honesty, good manners, and how to be a good person in life.  The karate studio he goes to is called Personal Mastery Karate.  


Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying. - Martin Luther King

Mother, Sister, Friend...

Mother, Sister, Friend...
I love being me!

William and Jessica

William and Jessica
My beautiful kids!
