Monday, March 9, 2009
This past weekend I decided to take William to The Childrens Discovery Museum at The Gateway. We ended up having a cousin weekend and had others join us. So me and William met Jane, Shine and Amanda in lehi. We all had breakfast and then we left with the two girls and headed to West Valley to pick up Demi and Kensie. When we got to their house, Stephanie (my sister) decided to come with us. So 5 kids and me and Steph headed to the Gateway.             
I hadn't been to the Childrens Discovery Museum before and found it to be above my expectations. There is SO much to do there for the kids and its free. There are a few things you can pay for, but we were there for 3 1/2 hours and the kids were entertained with everything that was free. 

The kids were able to sit inside a full size medical helicopter and see all the controls that are used. 

There was a life size "fake" horse the kids could climb up on, a climbing  wall, play houses, cars, and a small construction site.  After the Childrens Discovery Museum we went to Ben and Jerry's and all had ice cream.  It was a fun time.  Jessica had stayed home with Grandma, and its a good thing.  She is just too much of a handful to take to places like this with so many other kids.  I will take her on her own one day when William is at school.  She would have a
 total blast.  :)   



Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying. - Martin Luther King

Mother, Sister, Friend...

Mother, Sister, Friend...
I love being me!

William and Jessica

William and Jessica
My beautiful kids!
