Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My motivation...

My son, William... he does not like to be called cute and has no problem telling you that. He says "cute is for girls, I am cool or awesome!". William will be 8 years old in August. He is such a good kid and an amazing big brother. I am so proud of him.

Jessica will be 2 in September. She is already far into the "terrible 2's" though. William has nicknamed her "Trouble". She loves to tease her brother and be mischievous in any way she can. Jessica keeps us all on our toes and running.


Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying. - Martin Luther King

Mother, Sister, Friend...

Mother, Sister, Friend...
I love being me!

William and Jessica

William and Jessica
My beautiful kids!
