Monday, March 9, 2009
This past weekend I decided to take William to The Childrens Discovery Museum at The Gateway. We ended up having a cousin weekend and had others join us. So me and William met Jane, Shine and Amanda in lehi. We all had breakfast and then we left with the two girls and headed to West Valley to pick up Demi and Kensie. When we got to their house, Stephanie (my sister) decided to come with us. So 5 kids and me and Steph headed to the Gateway.

I hadn't been to the Childrens Discovery Museum before and found it to be above my expectations. There is SO much to do there for the kids and its free. There are a few things you can pay for, but we were there for 3 1/2 hours and the kids were entertained with everything that was free.
The kids were able to sit inside a full size medical helicopter and see all the controls that are used.

There was a life size "fake" horse the kids could climb up on, a climbing wall, play houses, cars, and a small construction site. After the Childrens Discovery Museum we went to Ben and Jerry's and all had ice cream. It was a fun time. Jessica had stayed home with Grandma, and its a good thing. She is just too much of a handful to take to places like this with so many other kids. I will take her on her own one day when William is at school. She would have a
total blast. :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Here comes Bootsy...

First, one must know that there has not been a cat in the Randquist home for over 10 years. But before that, there was always a cat... at least one cat, if not more. In January Ron and Jane had to pick up a kitten in Layton for Janes mom
and they were unable to make it. So one morning I drove to Layton to pick up this cat. Well the cat had to stay at our house that day until evening when Jane came to pick it up. Jessica and William LOVED having a cat at the house... Jessica would say Ki Ki... and pat her knees and make kissing sounds to try to get the kitty to come to her. The kitten hid under the couch the entire time. After Jane had taken the cat home, the next day Jessica was looking all over for the Ki Ki... Well Grandpa is a softy and after a few days he gave into William and Jessica's desire for a cat. So now we have Bootsy.

She loves to sit on Grandmas lap while she is reading a book and will jump up on Grandpas lap when he is relaxing in his chair. She stays away from Jessica and is getting better with William. She likes to sleep with me or Grandma and Grandpa. The kids love her and its been fun watching them with her. William even feeds her without me asking him too, not sure how long that will last.. ;) We are excited about having Bootsy. I have missed having a cat in the house. But once again, my life will allow it! YAY FOR US!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I was talking with a friend last night about how people just don't show common courteousy like they should. No one likes to sit around waiting for someone to come by or someone to call, when that person said they would be there or would call you. Or if your job has you on some type of "on call shift" but then someone KNOWS you will not be called in or something changes and you are not needed for that purpose now. How hard is it to pick up the phone and call and say "my plans have changed", or "something has come up", "my kids are sick so i can't make it", or "the patient died, you don't need to be on call", "several patients were released, you won't need to come in at all". So much time is wasted as we sit around waiting for people or jobs that said one thing but do not follow through with communicating a change when there is one. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Believe me, I know life happens and things come up that are just not in our control. So if it does.... just pick up a phone and call with a 30 second or less "I'm sorry I can't make it" so that other person isn't waiting around. Its courteous... its the nice thing to do.
Cindy is now stepping down off the soap box... please no applauding! ;)
Monday, March 2, 2009

Left to Right: Ron, Coby, Cindy (moi), Stephanie
Left to Right: Coby, Ron, Stephanie, Cindy (moi)
I must admit that I have the coolest siblings ever. I can't imagine my life without my brothers, sister and their families. We are very close and enjoy being together. We have gone through so much and have always supported one another no matter what was going on in our lives. I forget at times that not all families are like this. Now a days when life is hard I have turned to all 3 for love, support, and help.... never being turned away or let down and being offered more than I could ever have asked for.
DAD & MOM - 2008 (45 years of marriage)
The reason we are all so close and are there for each other, is because of the example we have as parents. Our parents, Phil and Myrna Randquist, are amazing. Dad is quiet with a heart of gold willing and wanting to help or do anything he can for his kids. Mom always listens and generously gives of all she can, especially her time... watching the grandkids and even helping us kids raise them. I hate to think of where I would be without Dad and Mom.
Sunday, March 1, 2009

I really enjoy school at SLCC. I have some classes at the Sandy campus and my Biology and lab are at the campus in Jordan.. off of bangeter and 90th south. I will be done with prereqs and have been trying to decide if I should apply for the Nursing program at SLCC or down at Provo College. Provo cost a TON more... seriously like buying an expensive HUMMER. but I would be able to start the program in Jan 2010. If I do the program at SLCC then I won't be able to start is until after 2012 .... the wait is 3-4 years but they have people drop out and change their majors and such so spots open up. Its a whole lot cheaper though. Say $15,000 apposed to $65,000 at Provo. What to do what to do. I really want to get out there in the field and start providing well for my kids... so we can buy a home and have our own little place and things. But I just don't know. I'm really leaning towards SLCC and I can work a different job the few years I am waiting to get into the Nursing program at SLCC. That will give me a chance to spend more time with my kids for a while as well. I know its been hard on them the last year with the divorce and me going to school. When I come home I have homework every night that takes hours to get done so I don't get to pay attention to them like I want to and like I know they want me to. So I think the break would be good before starting the nursing program which will be two more years of schooling with a whole lot more homework than what i am doing now, plus 12 hour days of clinicals. Life.... :) always something going on. But even with all of this going on, I am still happier than I have been in years.
Jessica, Jessie, Jess...

Jessica is growing so fast... they always do at this age though. She loves to talk but she is really hard to understand. I worry at times that she will need some speach therapy, but she is still young and I won't stress about it too much just yet. Jessica's favorite thing to do is chase William around. They play really well together sometimes. Jess loves chicken noodle soup. It is her favorite thing to eat and she has it at the very least once a day. When it comes to candy, she is a chocolate girl... she luuuuuuuuuuuuuvs chocolate. :)

On February 13th William recieved his Yellow belt in karate. I am so proud of him. He has done great and loves his karate class. I have noticed a difference in his confidence and also in his behavior. I really like how the class teaches about respect, honesty, good manners, and how to be a good person in life. The karate studio he goes to is called Personal Mastery Karate.
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Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying. - Martin Luther King
Mother, Sister, Friend...

I love being me!
William and Jessica
My beautiful kids!
Blog Archive
- This past weekend I decided to take William to The...
- Here comes Bootsy...
- I was talking with a friend last night about how p...
- SIBLINGS - 1979Left to Right: Ron, Coby, Cindy (mo...
- Random thoughts.... this weekend the kids were ...
- Jessica, Jessie, Jess...
- William is in the 3rd grade and doing really well....
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Suffragettes12 years ago
Swimming with the Dolphins13 years ago
New location for my photography...15 years ago